Friday, September 21, 2007

Salem Common

Okay. So it has been awhile since I have posted anything. But here is sometehing.

I've mentioned this committee before. It is one that formed to help create a new playground at the Salem Common. Here's the present tot lot:

Simple and clean, old wooden structure with what looks like- appropriately although maybe not be appropriate - a gallow, a slide and some swings. There used to be some wooden benches around that MASSIVE, shady maple tree but they were falling apart and had to take them away. They just recently put in the wood chips. It used to be small stones . . . not the best for mouthy tots.

Anywhoo, the committee is having a raffle on October 30th, with all proceeds to benefit the new playground that they hope to have installed sometime in Spring 2008.

Ticket cost $20, Drawing will take place at 6 p.m. on October 30 at
the Common. You do not need to be present to win.

First prize: 32" LCD high-def. wall-mountable television
Second prize: 2 nights at the Salem Inn
Third Prize: one year membership to BJ's

Contact Katya for tickets:

What are the plans for the new playground? I don't know yet but will try and find out.

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