Friday, January 11, 2008


During the winter, the other thing I have been doing is creating single page pamphlets that could be made into downloadable PDF's with all the playgrounds in one town. It includes the town map with all the playgrounds such as that in the book, and a color photo of each playground on the reverse. No ratings and descriptions though.

Why would I do this? Won't it cut into "profits?" I don't even know what a "profit" is. Anyhoo, there are a couple of reasons why I'm doing this. One is I can't keep updating the book every two years because I just can't afford to print the book all the time. So I need a way to keep everybody updated with the playgrounds without spending a bijillion dollars. Well, a downloadable PDF would allow me not to print anything thereby saving some money (alright, a lot of money. . . alright, all the money). And second: see below.

What will I do with this brochure? The plan would be to sell the PDF to their respective cities so that they can post and advertise the PDF on their city websites for their citizens. Wouldn't that be handy for everyone? Okay, so there isn't a rating system on the brochure but if I did, it would be the rating of ONE individual and may not benefit the city. Maybe the cities wouldn't want their one star playground pointed out.

I'm still working on Salem's brochure. And I haven't approached them yet with the idea, although I had gone to a public space meeting several months ago and was asked about doing such a pamphlet for them. Of course, nothing has come of it. We'll see.

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